Projet benino-danois d'archéologie (BDArch)
Research objectives
The research programme concentrates on three major objectives
Surveys and recording of caves, especially those in danger of being demolished situated close to construction sites; the work includes mapping, constructing of a typology as well as rescue and research.
Recreation of past cultural structures, thus enabling the understanding of the function and wider meaning of the caves. The main stress is on questions such as the chronology of the caves and the distribution of royal and princely property during the existence of the kingdom of Abomey (or Danxomey) (1600-1900).
Mediation of the results among the local population.
Consequently, intensive exchange of research experiences is taking place between the parties involved. The Danish partners are learning a better understanding of African cultural values and the importance of nature (especially different plants as landmarks and signifiers of space), and local traditions and memory. The Beninoise participants update their knowledge on archaeological recording and advanced computer-aided techniques applied in field-work, and on European and World archaeology.
Fig. 5. 3 rd year archaeology students go through an introduction to digital tools applied in archaeological research. |