Projet benino-danois d'archéologie (BDArch)

Future activities

Future research activities are expected to concentrate on further investigation of the caves, fully delimiting their distribution and obtaining datable material. Spot test analysis will also be applied to get more varied picture of the spacing patterns. Efforts will also be put to continue the investigation of iron production. This area of research has only superficially received scholarly attention.

An archaeological field-school and various seminars and courses are planned to promote and support the interest of history students in archaeological research. Such opportunities will hopefully inspire interregional collaboration between the countries of Western Africa . The University of Ghana at Legon ( Accra ), the Archaeological Institute, has already expressed its interest in participating in joint projects, including investigation in ancient iron production, state formation, European contacts, etc.

Mediation of research results and the creation of local material and other histories have already been acknowledged as an important factor in establishing local networks of informants and an increasing local consciousness of the past. Thus, much attention will be given to such issues. The next field-campaign is expected to take place in February 2004.