Instructions for Contributors
The diskette with the manuscript must be accompanied by a printout; indicate file name(s) and program version, preferably WP or Word files saved in rtf-format. The manuscript should be structured with tide, text (in chapters and sections), appendices and notes, bibliography, and figure captions. Notes should be kept to a minimum. Double publication is normally not accepted.
(1) The title should be short and contain information about the theme, period, and locality or area.
(2) The text should be submitted with double-spaced lines, extra space permitted only before headings. Left margin four centimetres; a three-letter indentation at the beginning of new paragraphs, but no indentation after headings. Write italics, do not underline. Note numbers in ordinary brackets, e.g. (21).
(3) Notes should be numbered consecutively, without blank lines between the notes. References should be given in parentheses in the text e.g., (Brøndsted 1960, 31f.). Avoid foot-note function.
(4) The bibliography should have the folIowing format:
Recker, Cl. 1954: Die Mittel-Neolithischen Kulturen in Südskandinavien. Acta Archaeologica XXV. 49- 150.
Randsborg, K. 1995: Hjortspring. Warfare & Sacrifice in Early Europe . Aarhus (Aarhus Univ. Press).
I.e., with articles underline the name of the periodical but not the title, with monographs underline the title of the monograph but not of the series. If there are several works by the same author the name is cited only for the first of them and subsequently replaced by a dash.
(5) Camera ready or digitalized illustrations must be submitted in either eps- or tiff-format. Guidelines for electronic submission can be required from the address mentioned below. Photocopies are not accepted. Please ensure the highest possible quality of drawings, photographs, etc. Drawings will usually be reduced in size, and lettering, thickness of lines, etc. should be adjusted accordingly. Ensure that photographs are sharp and have sufficient contrast. A good balance should be maintained between length of text and number of figures.
(6) Where radiocarbon dates are given in conventional (uncalibrated) C-14 years, please quote the original serial number, e.g. 880 ad (K-3729). Where a calibration is given please also refer to the calibration curve used, e.g. calibrated A.D. 980 (Stuiver & Pearson 1993).
(7) Bound offprints may be purchased by authors.
The editors will do everything possible to ensure rapid publication. Contributors can help considerably by following the above instruction.
Editorial address
Acta Archaeologica
c/o Professor Klavs Randsborg
SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen, DENMARK
Telephones +45 35324111 or 35324100 (Institute) and +45 45854684 (editor-in-chief, private). Fax: +4535324105,